Yogurt cheese with herbs

Yogurt, Cheese, Herbs Are that Things, which made any recipe special. Don't forget to try it at your kitchen

Serves 8-10

Greek Strained Yogurt  600 G/ 1 1/4 Lb
Garlic Cloves  Finely Chopped  1-2
Sea Salt 1 1/2 Teaspoons 
Ground White Pepper 1/2-1 1/2
Bunches Of Dill, Chopped 3
Sprigs Of Coriander Chopped 6
Sprigs Of Flat-Leaf Parsley  7 Chopped 

1- Put All the Ingredients into a bowl and stir well to mix. ( You can vary the herbs according to taste or availability. For example you can use only dill, or you can substitute parsley for the dill and complement it with int or basil. )

2- Line another bowl with a double layer of muslin or a linen tea towel and pour in the yogurt mixture. Gather the ends of the cloth and tie them together with a piece of kitchen string, making a loop so you can hang it from a large wooden spoon, keeping it well clear of the bottom of the bowl. Leave to drain for 8-12 hours or overnight. 

3- Unite the cloth and remove the soft cheese. Serve with fresh bread or crackers. 
This will keep for about 1 week in the refrigerator, in a covered bowl.


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