



A garbure is a thick, satisfying vegetable soup, with cabbage the predominating flavour. It originated in the southwest of France (the name is basque) but is now eaten all over France. It is characterised by the slice of bread covered with thick puree that is served in the soup.

overnight soaking,
then 3 1/2 hours

Serves 6

250 g / 8 oz dried haricot beans
1 Spanish onion stuck with 6-8 cloves
1 small carrot, peeled
1 bouquet garni
salt and freshly ground black pepper
75 g / 3 oz butter
1/4 medium-sized white cabbage, shredded
1 medium-sized turnip, thinly sliced
2 large carrots, thinly sliced
white parts of 3 leeks, thinly sliced
3 celery stalk, thinly sliced
2 medium-sized potatoes, thinly sliced
1.7 L / 3 pt Basic chicken stock
45 ml / 3 tbs olive oil
2 crusty rolls, cut into 15 mm / 1/2 in slices
40 g / 1 1/2 oz Gruyere cheese, grated
30 ml / 2 tbs chopped parsley

Garbure Preparation 

1- Soak the haricot beans in cold water overnight. Drain and place the beans in a saucepan with the onion stuck with cloves, the small, peeled carrot, bouquet garni and enough water to cover. Season with freshly ground black pepper, to taste. Bring to the boil then cover the pan, lower the heat and simmer gently for 2 hours, or until the beans are tender. Drain off the liquid and discard. Discard the onion, carrot and bouquet garni.

2- In a large saucepan melt 25 g / 1 oz butter. Add the shredded cabbage, thinly sliced turnip, carrots, leeks and celery and simmer gently, stirring with a wooden spoon occasionally, for 15-20 minutes. 

3- Add the cooked beans, the thinly sliced potatoes and the chicken stock to the pan and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Cover and simmer for 20-30 minutes until all the vegetables are tender. 

4- Heat the grill to high. 

5- Meanwhile prepare the croutes. Heat 40 g / 1 1/2 oz butter and the olive oil in a large frying-pan and fry the sliced rolls for 2 minutes on each side, turning with a fish slice until golden. Drain and keep warm. 

6- With a slotted spoon transfer a quarter of the vegetables from the soup to and electric blender, leave to cool a little, then puree until smooth. In a small saucepan, melt 15 g 1/2 oz butter. Add the pured vegetables and cook, stirring continuously for 10 minutes until the puree thickens to the consistency of mashed potatoes. 

7-  To serve, spread the puree on the croutes, doming it well. Sprinkle with grated Gruyere cheese and brown under the grill for 5 minutes. Ladle the soup, with vegetables, into bowls and place the croutes on top. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. 

Yummy Garbure soup is ready to serve. 

photo credit goes to =

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